Joining the MCofS

Last week I joined MCofS (Mountaineering Council of Scotland) as a member. This is something I would recommend as it helps support their work and provides excellent benefits including a nice gift free for new members.

I am already a BMC member and these two organisations have some overlap but as I frequently go mountaineering in Scotland I thought it would be good to join and support them.


With stunning mountains and the most enlightened access laws in the world, Scotland is a unique and special place for adventurous pursuits such as hill walking, climbing and ski touring.

So, whether you’re an elite climber, just learning the ropes at a climbing wall, or getting into hill walking and wanting to learn about safety, the MCofS is here to help you get even more from your chosen mountain activity in this great country.

This years membership price is £28.55 and you get a free gift but if you join by direct debit they are currently offering 50% off your 1st year of membership as well. They have a range of gifts but I choose the Silva Expedition 4 compass (RRP £29.99). This means it is actually cheaper to join MCofS (£14.28)  than buy the compass. In fact students can join for a single year for £17.10 so it is a great way to support an organisation representing mountain activities and receive excellent benefits.

I will write a review for the  Silva Expedition 4 compass in due time.

Details of membership benefits are here  and to join look here.