Lakes District wild weekend

Despite the mixed forecast this weekend I went to the Lake District with five friends, we camped on the Friday night, walked on the Saturday before camping and then walk back on the Sunday.

We arrived late on Friday in Langdale and after finding some where to park the two cars we set out to find somewhere to camp. We pitched at about 1 am, it was a windy and wet night but we stayed dry in the tents.

We woke early and packed up, we moved to the path and had breakfast, we then doubled back on the previous nights walk and then onto Crinkle Crags, Bowfell and Esk Pike. We arrived early (at about 2.30 pm) at Sprinkling Tarn, but we decided to not walk further as the forecast for the next day was 70 mph winds and snow and we would have further to walk back. We put down our packs and had a look for the best camping spot and had a look at the island on the Tarn.

The next morning the weather was better than we expected and so packed up and continued along to High Raise, Thunacar Knott and Pavey Ark instead of descending straight into the valley. As the day progress the wind got stronger and the visibility less but we found the correct way down Loft Crag.

As we descended to above Raven Crag the snow became slush and slippery and the hail gave way to rain. Arriving back at the cars we were met with heavy rain.

On Saturday we walked approximately 12 km (1100 m height gain) , and Sunday approximately 13 km (540 m height gain).

I also used the weekend to test a Mountain Hardwear BMG 105 backpack so I will write a full review soon.

For more information on wild camping in the Lake district please see the Lake District National Park website.


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