Pyrénées trips: Pique Rouge de Bassiès
On my second trip to the Pyrénées from Toulouse, I walked up Pique Rouge de Bassiès (2676 m). The peak is located nearby to Cascade d’Ars where I walked on my previously trip and is in fact at the head of an adjacent valley.
Pyrénées trips: Cascade d’Ars
Whilst living in Toulouse, I went on three walking trips to the Pyrénées, specifically Parc naturel régional des Pyrénées ariégeoises. The first trip was a day trip to Cascade d’Ars, which is near Aulus Les Bains.
Van: The plan
I recently bought a Renault Trafic van (see my Man with Van post) and though I would share an outline of my plan for converting it into a campervan.
Van: removing old plywood and repainting
I have been working on my van (see Man with Van and Van:The plan posts for more information) and have started the conversion into a campervan. This post covers the removal of the old plywood lining and repainting some areas of metal.
Man with Van
I recently purchased a van with the intention of converting it into a climber’s camping van.
North York Moors
A couple of weekends ago I went to the North York Moors. I was travelling to Billingham to pick up some carpet for my van and so it seemed a good idea to see the moors.